New York Life is dedicated to serving professional advisors
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Risk Management Planning
“Shareholder advocacy and community investing are crucial when it comes to investing socially responsibly.”
A sound financial plan must address the insurance coverages our client, spouse and family members may require. We specialize in three areas of risk management planning.
Long Term Care Insurance
Clients purchase long term care insurance to preserve financial and personal dignity when sick or hurt and physically dependent on others. Many people do not understand what Long Term Care insurance policies cover, how and when the policies work, and who should obtain coverage.
Life Insurance
Folks typically buy life insurance because they care. It can be used to pay for funeral expenses, repay outstanding debts, make charitable donations, provide living expenses, and fund a college education. It can also be used in estate and business planning.
Disability Income Insurance
Disability income insurance is to help replace income of a person who is unable to work due to sickness or an accident. In terms of its financial impact on a family, long-term disability can be more severe than death. Disability income protection can come from several sources: social insurance programs, employer-provided or group benefits, and individually purchased policies.
Ostberg & Associates Financial Services and Insurance
Ostberg & Associates Finacial Services and Insurance